By Dana Dostal
June 19, 2024
Why is there so misconception about Medicare Advantage Plans Medicare Advantage also known as Part C of Medicare can be a polarizing topic. Some people will say they love their Medicare Advantage Plan and others will warn you to stay away. They have a bit of misconception. If you’ve been checking with some of your doctors about what plans they take, chances are, you have heard some of your providers tell you why Medicare Advantage plans are bad. Over the years, we’ve heard from many providers that do not like Medicare Advantage plans because their payments come slower than they do for Original Medicare or there is so much more paperwork involved to receive approvals. So, are Medicare Advantage plans bad? Not really - they are just misunderstood. All too often, Medicare beneficiaries try to enroll in coverage on their own without free help from a Medicare insurance broker like Senior Insurance Advisors. They often miss some really important details when they do this. Then they are later unhappy with the plan, but it’s not the fault of the plan. It’s simply that they didn’t know the rules before they enrolled. So, let’s dive in on some of the reasons why Medicare Advantage plans are bad for certain individuals. We’ll go over some of the most common things that Medicare beneficiaries have reported to us that they don’t like about these plans. Then you can decide for yourself if you wish to enroll in one or not. Constantly Paying Out of Pocket for Services Medicare Advantage plans usually have copays and coinsurance. When you enroll in a traditional Medicare Supplement like Plan G, you pay a higher premium upfront, but very little out-of-pocket on the back end. No copays for doctor visits, lab work or daily hospital copays. You are only responsible for the Part B deductible. When you enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan, you pay a much lower premium and now, you will pay copays and coinsurance for services as you go along. For example, you might pay $20 for a primary care doctor or $40 to see a specialist. Then that doctor may order an MRI, and you must pay a $200 copay for this service. When you pay a copay at the time of service, the copay gets deducted from the annual out of pocket maximum. Each Medicare Advantage Plan has a Summary of Benefits. This Summary lists all the costs in detail. Your agent will review this information with you. If you carefully review the summary up front, then there should be no surprise to you. Unfortunately, people fail to read the fine print, and then they end up thinking that their Medicare Advantage plan is bad. This is not the fault of the plan but rather a failure by the enrollee to do his due diligence upfront. They Mistakenly Think They Don’t Have to Pay for Their Medicare Part B Premium Medicare Advantage plans are paid by Medicare. When you enroll in a plan, Medicare pays the insurance company to take on your health risk. Many Medicare Advantage plans will set very low premiums or a $0 premium for the plan itself. However, the $0 premium is confusing to beneficiaries. Many of them think that a $0 premium means they don’t have to pay for Part B. This is false. You will still pay for Part B the entire time that you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan. Smaller Networks and Referrals Most Medicare Advantage plans have local, or nationwide networks, so the plan’s entire network might only have a few thousand providers. However, if you stay with Original Medicare and enroll in a Supplement plan, you would have access to nearly a million providers nationwide. Many people enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan without realizing this. They fail to check with their favorite doctors and hospitals to confirm they participate in the plan’s network. Then they go to use their coverage, and their doctor turns them away because they don’t accept that coverage. This one is really easy to avoid by checking the plan’s provider directory online before you enroll in the plan. Be sure that you confirm the doctor’s participation in the EXACT plan name of the plan that you are thinking about. Some insurance companies operate multiple networks. For example, United Healthcare may have an HMO plan and a PPO plan in your area. Your doctor may participate in one but not the other. If you check the wrong directory, you could come up with a false result. If you travel often, a Medicare Advantage plan may not be right for you. However, most plans do have nationwide networks. Which means, if you see a doctor and they accept your plan it will be consider in network even though you’re outside the service plan area. Getting a referral If you enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan with an HMO network, then you will usually have to choose a primary care provider. Most plans do not require a referral to see a specialist. High Out-of-Pocket Maximums Medicare Advantage plans all have an Out-of-Pocket Maximum (OOPM) limit to protect you from high out of pocket costs. This is a good thing! It protects you from spending beyond a certain dollar amount each year on Part A and B services. The downside is that plans can set that OOPM as high as $8,850 in 2024. For people on fixed incomes, coming up with $8,850 in a calendar year is a lot. Prior Authorizations Insurance companies are always looking to make sure something is reasonable and necessary. These plans typically involve a greater requirement for your provider to get pre-authorizations before approving services. Sometimes that authorization request might get denied. We see this a lot on medications. The drug is listed in the plan’s formulary, but in the fine print, it requires prior authorization or a quantity limit. The Expertise of a Local, Licensed Agent Senior Insurance Advisors offers a valuable opportunity for beneficiaries to get ready and plan for Medicare . By understanding the basics of Medicare, evaluating your current coverage, exploring your options, reviewing your medications, and seeking professional guidance, you can make informed choices that ensure you have the right coverage for your healthcare needs. Meet with our advisor so you can secure the peace of mind and financial security that proper healthcare coverage offers. With careful consideration and proactive planning, you can confidently navigate your Medicare Enrollment, knowing that you've optimized your healthcare coverage. Call us to schedule a consultation and secure your medical future today!